Another Day of On and On


At the end of a long day at Flamborough Head, when the weather had not allowed me to gather the reference I needed for a particular idea, I walked back along the cliffs to my car at North Landing. As twilight fell the sky offered this amazing atmospheric cloudscape looking north up the coast as I stood above the bay. It was a scene I had to paint.

‘Another Day of On and On’, describes not only to the distance you can see along the coast but also the passage of time, and the turning of the tides that day after day sculpts this curve of Yorkshire’s shoreline. 

This seascape is painted on 140lb Arches watercolour paper, and measures 72cm x 53cm

The sale of this broodingly atmospheric watercolour supports the vital work of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust in securing Yorkshire’s wonderful natural habitats.10% of the purchase price will be donated to the Trust. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is a registered charity, number 210807. Find out more at


Original watercolour painting

Yorkshire coast

in support of Yrkshire Wildlife Trust