Chasing the Armada


A number of books were published to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Spanish Armada. I was lucky enough to be commissioned by Bantham Press to illustrate one of these books, written by Duff Hart-Davis.

Amongst the illustrations for the book were a number of atmospheric pieces including a view of an English gun deck in operation, and this painting of English ships chasing the Armada up the North Sea, as the major storm that wrecked many of the ships gathered behind them.


A number of books were published to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Spanish Armada. I was lucky enough to be commissioned by Bantham Press to illustrate one of these books, written by Duff Heart-Davis.

Amongst the illustrations for the book were a number of atmospheric pieces including a view of an English gun deck in operation, and this painting of the English ships chasing the Armada up the North Sea, as the major storm that wrecked many of the ships gathered behind them.Top of Form

Additional information

Chasing the Armada

On 42cm x 59cm CS10 board. Unframed