Red Boats, Safe Haven


To me, Cellardyke is the hidden gem in the crown of picturesque harbours that run along the coastline of the East Neuk of Fife. Enclosed by buildings, and simply rectangular in shape it does not compete with the more elaborately designed harbours, or the beautiful open vistas and charming streets of the others but it is nonetheless full of atmosphere and history.

When I first visited, I was taken by the vibrant yellow of the algae colonies on the outer harbour wall. It is that splash of colour that inspired me do this work and led me down a more ‘abstract realistic’ path. My second visit coincided with a wild storm that saw waves pound that outer wall, whilst the harbour water itself remain flat calm. The idea for the painting was cemented at that point.

This painting is the first in a series capturing the beautiful historical fishing villages in the East Neuk, painted in the same abstract realism manner.

The original artwork (55cm x 74cm), a limited edition print (43cm x 56.5cm), and a standard print (30.5cm x 39cm) are all available for this painting.

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Dimensions N/A
Available as

Original artwork, Limited edition print, standard print